Optimize a Program with Schedules

Oftentimes, only compiling your programs to native code is not enough, and you need further optimizations. This can be done by applying "schedules" (explicit program transformations) to you program.

Example: Parallel Vector addition

import freetensor as ft
import numpy as np

n = 4

# Add verbose=1 to see the resulting native code
@ft.optimize(schedule_callback=lambda s: s.parallelize('Li', 'openmp')
            )  # <-- 2. Apply the schedule
def test(a: ft.Var[(n,), "int32"], b: ft.Var[(n,), "int32"]):
    y = ft.empty((n,), "int32")
    #! label: Li  # <-- 1. Label the loop as Li
    for i in range(n):
        y[i] = a[i] + b[i]
    return y

y = test(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype="int32"),
         np.array([2, 3, 4, 5], dtype="int32")).numpy()

Here is an example of a parallel vector addition executed with OpenMP multithreading. Each element is computed by one thread. To achieve this, there are two steps:

  1. Label the loop to be parallelized with a #! label: comment. Here label refers to label of an AST node, which is not required to be unique.
  2. Apply a parallelize schedule to Li in the schedule_callback argument to optimize; since the Li label is unambiguous here, the only Li loop is selectd and parallelized.

And you are done. You can have a look at the generated OpenMP multithreaded code by setting verbose=1.

Parameter s in schedule_callback is a Schedule object. Besides parallelize, there are more supported scheduling primitives.

If you are using the @optimize_to_pytorch integration, you need to set schedules for the forward pass and the backward pass separately.

Combining Multiple Schdules

Some optimizations can be done by applying multiple schedules. For example, a tiled matrix-multiplication can be done by first split the loops, then reorder them, and finally apply caches to create tile tensors.

In order to demonstrate the idea, we show a simplier example here: still a vector addtion, but with the loop split and only the outer one parallelized. Please note that this is an example only for demonstration. Usually you do not need it because OpenMP has its own "schedule(static)" for parallelized loops.

import freetensor as ft
import numpy as np

n = 1024

def sch(s):
    outer, inner = s.split('Li', 32)
    s.parallelize(outer, 'openmp')

# Set verbose=1 to see the resulting native code
# Set verbose=2 to see the code after EVERY schedule
def test(a: ft.Var[(n,), "int32"], b: ft.Var[(n,), "int32"]):
    y = ft.empty((n,), "int32")
    #! label: Li
    for i in range(n):
        y[i] = a[i] + b[i]
    return y

y = test(np.array(np.arange(1024), dtype="int32"),
         np.array(np.arange(1024), dtype="int32")).numpy()

One important thing is to track labels of the loops, because the labels will change after schedules. You get labels (to be precise, IDs, which is can be looked-up by labels) of new loops generated from one schedule from its return values (outer and inner in this case), and pass them to a next schedule.

Specify What to Schedule by Selectors

In the example above, we label a loop Li and apply schedules on it. It is straight-forward in a tiny example, but as programs grow, it often gets hard to track each statement by a unique label, especially there are inlined function calls. To make things easy, FreeTensor supports specifying a statement by a selector, written in the following rules:

  1. A label is a selector. E.g., Li matches a statement with a label Li.
  2. (For debugging only) A numerical ID is also a selector. E.g., #31.
  3. A node type surrounded in angle brackets (<>) is also a selector. E.g., <For> matches for-loop statements.
  4. A selector can be extended to match a new statement produced by a previous schedule. E.g., $split.0{Li} matches the outer loop split from the loop Li. This is useful when return values from schedules are hard to track. Please refer the API document for detailed grammar.
  5. Selectors can be combined to match a statement by nesting order. A<-B matches a statement A DIRECTLY NESTED IN another statement B. A<<-B matches a statement A DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY nested in another statement B. A<-(B<-)*C matches a statement A DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY nested in another statement C with intermedaite nesting statements satisfying the condition in B. B->A matches a statement B directly OUT OF another statement A. B->>A and C->(B->)*A are alike. (A, B, C can be nested selectors.) Use <-| for the root node, and ->| for a leaf node.
  6. Selectors can be combined to match a statement by program order. A<:B matches a statement A DIRECTLY BEFORE another statement B. A<<:B matches a statement A DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY before another statement B. A<:(B<:)*C matches a statement A DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY before another statement C with intermediate statements satisfying the condition in B. B:>A matches a statment B directly AFTER another statement A. B:>>A and C:>(B:>)*A are alike. A statement's descents (other statements nested in) or ancestors (other statements nesting it) are neither considered before or after the statement in the program order. "Directly" means there is no other statement between the comparing statements, so a statment can "directly before" both another statement and its parent.
  7. Selectors can be combined to match a statement in a function call. A<~B matches a statement A DIRECTLY called by a call site B. A<<~B matches a statement A DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY called by a call site B. A<~(B<~)*C matches a statement A DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY called by a call site C with intermediate call sites satisfying the condition in B. (A, B, C can be nested selectors.) Use <~| for the root function.
  8. All the arrow-like selectors (<-, <~, <:, etc.) are right-associated. For example, A<-B<-C matches A nested in B, where B is nested in C.
  9. All the arrow-like selectors can be used with the first argument omitted. For example, <-B matches ALL statements nested in B.
  10. Selectors can be combined with logical "and" (&), "or" (|), "not" (!) and parentheses. E.g., Li|Lj matches a statement labeled Li OR Lj. Li&Lj matches a statement labeled Li&Lj.

All schedules support passing selectors.

Auto Scheduling (Experimental)

Manually scheduling a program requires a lot of efforts. We provide an experimental automatic scheduling functions in Schedule. You can call s.auto_schedule to pick schedules fully automatically. s.auto_schedule calls other s.auto_xxxxxx functions internally, you can also call one or some of them instead. Please note that these auto-scheduling functions are experimental, and their API is subject to changes.