Running on a GPU

Example: Vector addition on a GPU

If FreeTensor is built with a CUDA backend, you can compile your program to a GPU. We still take a vector addition as an example:

import freetensor as ft
import numpy as np

# Using the 0-th GPU device
with ft.GPU(0):

    n = 4

    # Add verbose=1 to see the resulting native code
        # Parallel Loop Li as GPU threads
        schedule_callback=lambda s: s.parallelize('Li', 'threadIdx.x'))
    def test(a: ft.Var[(n,), "int32"], b: ft.Var[(n,), "int32"]):
        y = ft.empty((n,), "int32")
        #! label: Li # Label the loop below as "Li"
        for i in range(n):
            y[i] = a[i] + b[i]
        return y

    y = test(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype="int32"),
             np.array([2, 3, 4, 5], dtype="int32")).numpy()

Similar to parallelizing to OpenMP threads, in this example, we parallelize Loop Li to the threadIdx.x dimension of CUDA. There are two major differences:

  1. You are now calling parallelize schedule with a threadIdx.x parameter, instead of openmp.
  2. All the code are enclosed by a with ft.GPU(0) scope.

Usually, you not only parallelize your loops to threadIdx.x, but also other CUDA dimensions like blockIdx.x. To achieve this, you either parallelize different loops in a loop nests to different CUDA dimensions, or split your loops before parallelizing them.

As for the with ft.GPU(0) scope, ft.GPU(0) specifies a Device (a specific hardware device of GPU). By calling with on a device, default values of several classes and functions are set, but currently you only need to be aware of two things:

  1. It sets the Device of optimize.
  2. It sets the default mtype of all tensors in the program, which is an optional parameter of ft.Var, ft.empty, etc.

mtype refers to memory type. It controls where a tensor is stored. It defaults to "cpu" for a CPU program, and "gpu/global" for a GPU program. You probably GPU requires putting each variable to a right place (global memory, shared memory, registers, etc.), and this can be done by setting mtypes of each tensor. There are several ways to set mtypes:

  1. (Recommended) Leave them to the default "gpu/global" first, and modify them with the set_mem_type schedule. In this way, you write some architecture-dependent schedules, but keep your function architecture-independent.
  2. (Experimental) Leave them to the default "gpu/global" first, and modify them automatically using auto_schedule, or the auto_set_mem_type schedule (which is a part of auto_schedule).
  3. Set them explicitly in the program by setting an optional mtype parameter of ft.Var, ft.empty, etc.

mtype="byvalue" for Dynamic Tensor Shapes

Tensors with normal mtypes ("cpu", "gpu/global", etc.) are passed by references, which means a "cpu" tensor can only be accessed from a CPU, and a "gpu/global" tensor can only be accessed from a GPU. However, sometimes, and especially for dynamic tensor shapes, we want the shapes to be passed by values, and accessible from both CPUs and GPUs (remember we need tensor's shape both when launching a kernel from the CPU side, and during actual computatoin on the GPU side). In this case, we can set the shape-related tensors a "byvalue" mtype, and here is an example:

import freetensor as ft
import numpy as np

# Using the 0-th GPU device
with ft.GPU(0):

        # Parallel Loop Li as GPU threads
        schedule_callback=lambda s: s.parallelize("Li", "threadIdx.x"))
    # Use "byvalue" for `n` so it can be used both during kernel launching
    # and inside a kernel
    def test(n: ft.Var[(), "int32", "input", "byvalue"], a, b):
        a: ft.Var[(n,), "int32"]
        b: ft.Var[(n,), "int32"]
        y = ft.empty((n,), "int32")
        #! label: Li # Label the loop below as "Li"
        for i in range(n):
            y[i] = a[i] + b[i]
        return y

    y = test(np.array(4, dtype="int32"),
             np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype="int32"),
             np.array([2, 3, 4, 5], dtype="int32")).numpy()